About Renewed Rhythms

The Consultant

As a foster mom, teacher, and nanny, I’ve seen the effects that poor sleep can play in the lives of families. I’ve also seen the change that occurs when sleep rhythms are renewed and good sleep begins! If your child is struggling with disconnected sleep, early wake ups, late nights, or something else, visit the Sleep Services page to schedule a consultation and see if sleep training is right for your family.

The Approach

While “cry-it-out” is typically what is thought of when someone mentions sleep training, that does not have to be the case. Every child is different and each sleep plan is personally designed to meet the unique needs of your child and your parenting style. I will walk you through all of your sleep training options and, together we will choose the best one for your child and your family.

The Details

The needs of each child and each family are different. There are several different plans available in order to meet you where you are. Whether you only have a few questions or you’d like a detailed plan with weeks of support, there is a plan for you!

Free Consultation

Need more information about sleep training? Schedule your FREE consultation today!